CNY Autism Consulting
Helping Those on the Autism Spectrum
Live Successful Lives
Paul Meier 315-559-8242
I provide customized services based on the needs of the individual. These can range from autism
education, to advocacy, to helping with emotional control, to teaching about how to connect and
understand the world. Most of all I help people be successful.
Understanding Autism: To many autism is a pervasive mystery that is difficult to understand. I
understand autism and can explain it in ways that make sense to others. Once autism is understood
it is a lot less frustrating, and much easier to work with
Behavior Management: Needing to modify behaviors is not
unusual with autism. I help those on the autism spectrum to be
calm, engaged, responsible, and consistently pleasant to be
around. This includes understanding emotions and eliminating
meltdowns. Be aware, due to my current limited hours of one
afternoon a week, some mental health needs and behaviors may
place a client beyond my ability to successfully work with them.
Contact me and we can discuss your situation.
Pre-diagnostic Work: Not being a doctor or social worker I can
not officially diagnose someone as being on the autism spectrum.
What I can do is line up issues with the diagnostic criteria and
prepare to hand things off to my partner who is a doctor, or
another professional who can formalize the diagnosis. I do this
pre-diagnostic work with children, teens, and adults.
Social Skills: With autism, successfully interacting with
others is not instinctive. It needs to be intellectually learned
just like a school subject would be. This can be reading and
projecting body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice.
It can be understanding types of relationships and
relationships with specific individuals. It can be
understanding the social rules that govern how we all interact.
There is a lot here, and unfortunately society is unforgiving of
Independent Living Skills: While not all people on the
autism spectrum will live independently, most will. Even those
who will never live completely independently can live as independently as possible. There are ways
to do this successfully, and I can help.
Career Skills: Struggling in the workforce is common on the
autism spectrum. I can help develop the skills needed to maintain
successful long-term employment.
Positive Life Modeling: I am someone who is autistic and is living
a successful independent life. I can help motivate others through
the credibility of having been there and done it. I can explain how
others can be successful too, doing so from the insiders
perspective, and using autism strategies that work.
Life Success Planning: Successful people with autism often
have patterns of life in common. I can help with understanding and
adopting these patterns as a part of a life strategy, moving toward
greater success.
Public Speaking: Speak to all types of groups, including: agencies, professional groups, colleges,
schools, and more. Please note that my public speaking rates will be different than my client office
hour rates.